A wine score is the quickest, simplest way for tasters and critics to communicate their opinion about the quality of a wine.
Noteable is based on the 100 point scale introduces to the wine world by Robert Parker Jr. However we have complemented the scale with 5 dimensions and a unique algoritm in order to give a more transparent tasting profile and wine rating. The dimensions we work with is: balance, finish, intensity, complexity and terroir.
100-Point Scale
The 100-point wine-scoring scale was popularized by Wine Spectator magazine and by Robert Parker Jr. in his Wine Advocate newsletter.
Score Explanation
- 95–100 Classic: a great wine
- 90–94 Outstanding: a wine of superior character and style
- 85–89 Very good: a wine with special qualities
- 80–84 Good: a solid, well-made wine
- 75–79 Mediocre: a drinkable wine that may have minor flaws
- 50–74 Not recommended
Source: Wine Spectator 100-Point Scale
Users of the 100-point scale include: Robert Parker Jr. (Wine Advocate), Wine Spectator, Vinous, Decanter Magazine, James Suckling, Jamie Goode, Jeff Leve (The Wine Cellar Insider), Wine & Spirits Magazine.
20-Point Scale
The 20-point scale for wine scoring first emerged in 1959. It was developed purely for academic wine evaluation, by Dr Maynard Amerine of UC Davis’ much-respected Viticulture & Enology department. On this original scale, points were attributed for color, aroma and flavor, as well as more technical qualities including the balance of sugars, acids, tannins and volatile acidity. Even today the 20-point scale retains a slightly technical, traditional feel.
Score Explanation
- 20 Truly exceptional
- 19 A humdinger
- 18 A cut above superior
- 17 Superior
- 16 Distinguished
- 15 Average
- 14 Deadly dull
- 13 Borderline faulty or unbalanced
- 12 Faulty or unbalanced
Source: Jancis Robinson’s 20-Point Scale
Users of the 20-point scale include: Jancis Robinson, Bettane & Desseauve, Gault & Millau, La Revue du Vin de France, Vinum Magazine.
5-Point Scale and other systems
5-point scales most often use stars (or other symbols) rather than points per se. For many years Decanter Magazine used 5-star scores, but replaced these in July 2012 with dual 20-point and 100-point scores. John Platter has used a 5-star system in his Guide to South African Wine since the first edition in 1980. Italian wine magazine Gambero Rosso uses its own unique wine glass symbols (bicchiere) to rate wine, from one to three. Other guides highlight top-quality wines with an asterisk (two for truly exceptional wines).
Score Explanation
5 Stars Superlative. A Cape Classic
4 Stars Excellent
3 Stars Good Everyday Drinking
2 Stars Casual Quaffing
1 Star Very Ordinary
Source: Platter’s 5-Star South African Wine Scale